sábado, marzo 29, 2008

(Otra) entrevista a Stroustrup

Por si alguien había pensado que me había olvidado de C++0x y de Stroustrup esta entrada viene a demostrar que no :) Uno no tiene porqué estar de acuerdo con Bjarne Stroustrup, incluso puede odiar C++ por las milsetecientascincuetaydos razones por las que puede resultar odioso, pero lo que no se puede negar es que Bjarne ha tenido una gran influencia y sus opiniones son, por lo menos dignas de ser leídas. Algunas de las entrevistas que se le han hecho (incluso alguna que no le han hecho ;) ) me suelen parecer intensas y con elementos para la reflexión.
Pues bueno, en DDJ le han hecho una nueva entrevista. Extractaré lo que me ha interesado (Espero me sepan disculpar que no traduzca esta vez. Si me ha costado más de un mes hacer una nueva entrada no quiero imaginarme cuando publicaría esto con traducción...):

Sobre los distintos paradigmas de programación:
No programming paradigm is best for everything. What you have is a problem and a solution to it; then, you try to map that solution into code for execution. You do that with resource constraints and concerns for maintainability. Sometimes, that mapping is best done with OOP, sometimes with generic programming, sometimes with functional programming, etc.

OOP is appropriate where you can organize some key concepts into a hierarchy and manipulate the resulting classes through common base classes. Please note that I equate OO with the traditional use of encapsulation, inheritance, and (run time) polymorphism. You can choose alternative definitions, but this one is well-founded in history.

Sobre C++0x:
The progress on standard libraries has not been what I hoped for. We will get regular expressions, hash tables, threads, many improvements to the existing containers and algorithms, and a few more minor facilities. We will not get the networking library, the date and time library, or the file system library.
The standard will be finished in late 2008, but it takes forever to go through all the hoops of the ISO process. So, we must face the reality that "C++0x" may become C++10.

C++0x y el multithreading:
The new memory model and a task library was voted into C++0x in Kona. That provides a firm basis for share-memory multiprocessing as is essential for multicores. Unfortunately, it does not address higher-level models for concurrency such as thread pools and futures, shared memory parallel programming, or distributed memory parallel processing.

Consejos para el desarrollo en el mundo real. Me gusta especialmente cuando se recuerda el carácter complejo y casi orgánico de los sistemas (como Richard P. Gabriel en Objects Have Failed):
Think. Discuss with colleagues and potential users. Get a good first-order understanding of the problem domain. If possible, try to be a user of an existing system in that field. Then, without too much further agonizing, try to build a simplified system to try out the fundamental ideas of a design. That "simplified system" might become a throwaway experiment or it may become the nucleus of a complete system. I'm a great fan of the idea of "growing" a system from simpler, less complete, but working and tested systems. To try out all the tool chains before making too grand plans.
Sobre las habilidades que les suelen faltar a los estudiantes:
I saw so many students who simply didn't have the notion that code itself is a topic of interest and that well-structured code is a major time saver. The notion of organizing code to be sure that it is correct and maybe even for someone else to use and modify is alien: They see code as simply something needed to hand in the answers to an exercise.

Vía programming.reddit.

"(Otra) entrevista a Stroustrup" en barrapunto

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